Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Use Your Blog to Make Money Online!

It’s never too early to get your blog geared up for any upcoming holiday. If you want to make money online blogging, you need to start now! Don’t wait until the last minute to compete with other bloggers. Always stay ahead of competitors by a couple of months with popular holidays. Follow these great tips to get your blog profiting with any holiday theme.
Take a good look at the overall niche of your blog. If you run a personal or business blog, take note on what you write about most. A great tip is to go through each of your blog posts. Don’t just view the most recent ones. Go into your account and view which blog posts have the most comments. If you have a statistic counter on your blog, check and see what blog posts get the most hits from Google. All of this information will help you decide what products to sell on your blog. For example, if you run a personal blog on weight loss, you might find that the most popular posts are on healthy smoothie recipes. This can help you decide to sell smoothie cookbooks for each of these posts. Knowing the demographics of your blog is going to help you make a nice profit.
When you’ve decided what your readers will buy, it’s time to choose an affiliate program. A lot of bloggers hate this step but it can be fun if you know where to find affiliate programs. Amazonis a huge marketplace that has a lot of products that could work for most blogs. If you are on Twitter, send a tweet out that you’re looking for affiliate programs to run for a particular holiday. This may open up the doors to businesses contacting you directly with new affiliate programs. Start researching affiliate programs as soon as you can. Choose programs that have a good commission payout and will be an easy sell to your readers.
Start integrating the affiliate products into new and previous blog posts. Don’t just rely on banner advertisements you are placing on the sidebar of your blog. For example, if you run a parenting blog, write a Christmas feature on the best gift ideas for 2011. You can use this example with any niche that you blog about. Post your own reviews about each affiliate product you’re recommending. Also, add the affiliate links to the bottom of all your blog posts, which will be seen by all your RSS subscribers. Use your creativity and set up your blog for profit today!